Wrestlemania 27 last night, in my opinion, gets a 5 out of 10. It had such promise and ultimately failed to deliver. Most surprising moment of the night? Snooki doing backflips like an accomplished gymnast. Most disappointing moment of the night? A 30 minute snoozefest between Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

But you're not here for wrestling. You're here for hockey (well minus Colton Orr when it is a lot like wrestling). Here's some for you.

James Reimer Has Faith in His Game - James Mirtle from the Globe and Mail

In a position where the mental side of the game is more important than anything, Reimer said he feels his religious background is a big reason why he has been able to cope with the day-to-day stress of playing goal in the NHL.

"It’s a big reason why I’m calm out there," he said. "I mean, I don’t have any fear of what’s going to happen. The way I see it, or tell myself, if I let in zero or six, it’s His call up there. It’s whatever He wants in my life. It helps to calm it down and put everything in perspective."

Players’ religion has never been much of a focal point in professional hockey, as the NHL is likely the most secular of the major professional sports.

More Leafs links after the jump.

Leafs Playoff Hopes Have All But Melted Away

True, but I heard that it also just snowed in Toronto so........

Three is the Magic Number

ITB&WB finds 3 all over the Leafs recent win.

Joe Colborne Shows Promise with Marlies

Could he be the missing center on this team?

Maple Leafs Offense Continues to Improve

Three 60pt players and three 30 goal scorers is pretty damn good.

Reimer's likeability doesn't hurt; long term is sky the limit?

VLM looks into the man named Optimus Reim.

TML Legend Hugh Bolton

The story of the man named Yug.

Contract 'Opt-Out' Option Fair for NHL and NHLPA

Talk about a thing likely to be included in the next CBA.