Greetings West Coasters and people with access to plane tickets: how would you like to meet me and some other maniac Leafs fans (blurr1974, puckurgently, Greener, Connie Kim and more!)?

You wouldn't? Oh. Well how would you like to sit near Leafs fans in the lower bowl on November 27th against the Anaheim Ducks in Anaheim? That's what I thought. Follow me over the jump for the details.


Leafs fans who want to cheer on their team on the West Coast


Let's all sit near each other thanks to Ticketmaster letting you choose your own seat location


Sunday, November 27th, 2011 at 5:05PM PST


The Honda Center in Anaheim CA. We've got tickets in section 204 rows J&K on the aisle side and our seats are surrounded by available seats. Buy them and cheer for Toronto. puckurgently is working to acquire a 20 foot tall Leafs flag and we'll need your help.

Show up! Be loud! Get drunk! We'll probably tear it up in LA on Saturday night so be ready!