I'm guessing today was Dr. SkinnyFish M.D.'s day to FTB. Unfortunately for all of you we were stuck in traffic for ever last night and dragged ass into our apartment around 2a.m. before passing out. I don't have many Leafs blogs in my RSS reader now that other people write all the FTBs so you're going to need to wait for Skinny or Karina to wake up and spend the time hunting for links. If you don't feel like waiting toss your link in the comments.

Meanwhile let's pass the time this morning: what's on your mind about the Leafs? What do you think of Clarke MacArthur? Will he and Nikolai Kulemin get in a fist fight over #41?

Have you voted in our Leafs fan confidence poll on the upper left of the blog? Why did you vote the way you did?

The rookie tournament starts Sept. 11th in London. That means that this is your last hockey free weekend. Hold on to your butts folks, we're almost there. Links after the jump.

Playing The Odds: The Leafs in Net

What do we have in Gustavsson and Rynnas?

Leafs play it safe wtih MacArthur signing

Maple Stir Up thinks that while he's another third liner (or S-liner) he's a versatile pick-up

Will Jerry D'Amigo Make The Leafs?

I don't think he will out of camp but the kid's surprised so far.

Phoenix Coyotes Resign Lee Stempniak to 2 Year Deal

T Hair updates on the Stempy signing.

Faceoffs - The Best and Worst since the Lockout

Copper & Blue with a good look at the top circle guys in the game

Great goalies of my youth: Hall, Plante, Sawchuk, Giacomin, and Esposito

Another excellent update from Vintage Leaf Memories