The following is what happened yesterday relative to the Leafs:

The following are links to Leafscentric blogs from yesterday that didn't write a post speculating on the eventual Tomas Kaberle no trade:

The following is a statement from Brian Burke on the Kaberle no trade:

The hockey club confirms this evening that Tomas Kaberle remains a Leaf. While a number of Clubs made offers to trade for Tomas, none of them reflected Tomas’s value to our team. I understand a period like this is stressful to the player, and we are pleased that there is a resolution, and we can all continue to prepare for the coming season.

Notice that this statement went up at exactly the stroke of midnight. My cunning extinct tells me that they had this statement written up and ready to post somewheres around 7pm last night and that Burke was in bed wearing his superman underoos by 10pm.

I expect this post to have at least 500 comments in it by noon.  Have at it gals and gents.