So, living in Vancouver has its good points and its bad points.  I hate subzero temperatures and snow, and both of these rarely occur here, which I love.  I have a great job, and managed to get hired right after University and get the company to pay for me to move out here.  Vancouver's really been good to me, but there are things that make me think that I should have stuck to my original plan of moving back to Toronto after milking Vancouver for money for two years.

At the top of this list today is the fact that I have to watch so many Canucks games. I know, I know, it's my own fault for marrying a Canucks fan, but really, that's his biggest flaw so I'm gonna live with it What I wish I wasn't stuck with is the omnipresent Leafs bashing from media and fans alike. During last night's Canucks/Oilers game, John Garrett reviewed the Oilers' poor record, and stated "Their last win was against Toronto, which doesn't really count." Yes. I know. Somehow despite the fact the the league awards two points for a win against the Leafs, just like they do with all other teams, John Garret doesn't think it counts. I mean, maybe the city of Toronto was horrible to him when he played for the Toronto Toros of the WHA for 9 games, but I don't understand his conclusion that games against the Leafs don't count. Maybe it's because we've been having a pretty rough year, he thinks even bottom feeders should expect to win against us (because, it's not like we've beaten any quality teams this year, except for oh, the Penguins and Red Wings, last year's Stanley Cup Finalists). Clearly, his distinguished playing career gives him the basis to bash a team down on its luck. Oh, look at that - he only had four out of sixteen seasons where he had more wins than losses. To be fair, he did manage to make the NHL All-Star game one year. In 1983, he replaced the injured Richard Brodeur to be the only Canucks representative in the game, and managed to be voted the game's MVP. But then, Wayne Gretzky scored four goals in the last ten minutes of the game, so they held a re-vote and Garrett lost his MVP title to Gretzky. Ouch. Maybe someone in his position should give the respect due an original 6 franchise that's trying to extricate itself from a mess to be able to compete again. Games against the Leafs are still worth 2 points in the standings so yes, John, it does count.

Yeah, the media here gets to me. The pain of Leafs losses is often worsened by the mockery I have to endure. Good thing Saturday games end early enough that I can still go out and enjoy myself after. And I have great blogs like this one and those I've linked to below to regain my sanity.
Links after the jump.

And this one made me smile:

Lunchtime Addition: