Many of today's links focus on the recent Forbes team valuations. These financial assessments are considered by almost everyone to be authoritative, but if you read Tyler Dellow's most recent article, you'll have reason to wonder about how thorough they really are.

NHL and NHLPA resume CBA talks, this time with mediation
I'm not even sure why I'm linking this, but I guess for lack of a better term, we'll continue to call this "news".

Treize équipes déficitaires
Yeah, Forbes has deemed thirteen teams to be losing money. Or, at least they were last year. From

Forbes And The Clean Lie
If you are actually following this lockout nonsense, this is a very important read from Tyler Dellow.

Gotta ask the 10 questions: Things about the Leafs we'd know by now
This is a fun read from Cam Charron.

Maple Leafs first hockey team worth $1 billion, according to Forbes magazine
Article from Kevin McGran at The Star.

It turns out NHL players don’t make a lot in endorsement money
Of course, if you've read Tyler Dellow's article, you are immediately skeptical of these numbers. Story from Justin Bourne.

The Broad Street Bullies - YouTube
Uploaded by TheNHLhistory, it's an interesting doc on the expansion team. Yeah, yeah, I know it's the Flyers, but it's still an interesting bit of history.

Marlies penalty kill looking to get over early-season struggles
Read: poor goaltending. Article from Kyle Cicerella.

Riley Sheahan (Wings' prospect) arrest video, ‘super drunk’ and dressed as a purple Teletubby (VIDEO)
AWESOME. And by "awesome", I mean "idiotic, but funny". This even beats Matt Frattin's lawnmower throwing. From Greg Wyshynski at PD.

Vintage Leafs: Syl Apps in his office
Go browse around. Harold C. has a bunch of cool old photos.

As a side note, I'd like to add that I miss chatting with all of you in the FTBs, but being a teacher makes it difficult to contribute to conversations in a timely manner. Supervising and helping children just doesn't go hand in hand with heated internet debate, I guess.