So last night saw Alexei Ponikarovsky shipped off to Pittsburgh for prospect Luca Caputi (sweet name) and defenseman Martin Skoula (salary dump). First it was Pittsburgh, then it wasn't, then it was LA, but maybe someone else, then Pittsburgh again, repeat ad naseum.

I can only imagine the situation inside the Maple Leafs war room was as confusing as this:

and probably will be until 3pm today.

On to some linkage!!!

Who the fuck is Luca Caputi? DGB gets the skinny of the newest Leaf from the guys at Pensblog [Down Goes Brown]

Last night's game was like a rental player parade. Oh, and it sucked [Mirtle at the G&M]

A collection of deadline rumors for you to salivate over [MLHS]

Did the Penguins steal Ponikarovsky? [Five Hole Fanatics]

With all these 2nd round picks being traded, just how valuable are they? [NHL Fanhouse]

A look at how the Olympics gave one Leaf fan something he seldom gets; the joy of victory [NYT Slapshot]

Oh fuck is right [WWoLD]

A look at the Poni-Puti trade, and a look a head to 3pm [Steve at HA]

Vintage Leafs with Stanley Cup victories, Gord Bell, and Sidney Crosby [Vintage Leafs]