
The Schennies has since been renamed The Brian Burke Award for Verbal Excellence. Because as much as we all love and adore Luke Schenn the naming isn't quite right. if anything a Schennie should be presented to someone for having really good hair or getting into some wonderful fisticuffs. Now you may be wondering just where this brilliance came from. Not from the overlords but from one of our quiet commenters, Rhaen. She was right, if we are going to celebrate the best of words here the award name should reflect that dynamic human being that is Brian Burke. So, thank you Rhaen, and you are always welcome to hang with the Leafs.

Can someone please do a mock up of what a BBAfVA could look like so Triple P will stop inserting pictures of random sports trophies? I'll settle for a bunch of Burkie animated gifs.

Your esteemed comments after the jump. As always, remember its an honor to be nominated and help out your academy of peers by hitting that rec button.

The first Schennie/BBAfVA is announced and Furcifer already zings me:

"Hey I am just trying to win something."

Who are you?

Mats Sundin?

And then y'all try to trade me away to Pensburgh for some mallomars. Your own princess...

Mabel, as always with the witticisms on Toronto sports and media:

I believe our official motto is

Toronto: Everything sucks and it’s all your fault.

This one had a few assists, but this comment is regarding who is on Eyebleaf's banner and Say *plan the parade one one more time...* has the game winner:

"maybe Stepnisuck"

He’s on there, you just didn’t see him

And now, for one of the favorite running jokes around here, take it away cirkaitken:

In Berger's defence,

The Jays never play in November, when it matters.

I have no introduction for this comment from Screaming Will:

Drunk and Angry

Good post. It’s exactly what I think whenever I’m drunk and make the mistake of listening or reading the local "reporters." I get so angry, It was also good timing because I’m kind of (really, really) drunk right now and also kind of angry although I am eating some awesome elk stew, which I didn’t even know existed until I found it in my fridge. My wife is awesome, but anyway I hate the stupid media in Toronto, but love David Bowie. I have to go.

Eyebleaf and his ever contagious outlook:

Halladay’s staying. Jays are about to go on a run of EPIC proportions. Chemmy’s Red Sox are falling apart just in time.

Bosh is staying, now that his roommate Jarret Jack is back.

And Kaberle’s goin to win a cup with the Leafs.

The award for visual excellence in a comment also going to Eyebleaf. Click here to view it.

The Go Flyers jokes is timeless. Here is blindfolded tank driver's:

Sweet Home Alabama is about Philly! Go Flyers!

Chemmy with a new word for the PPP dictionary:


This thread was truly a team effort. We realllly love Limp Bizkit around here. The awesomeness starts here.

JaredFromLondon with Mickey Grabs' mission:

he’s here to kick ass and stab pine apples, and he’s all out of pine apples

See you next week for the Burkies.