So last night was pretty damned good eh? Goals from the guys who need to be scoring them; two of them on the once godawful powerplay. Kadri now on a point per game pace. Gustavsson turning away 29 of 30 shots in his first chance to grab the starter's reigns away from Giguere. But before we start proclaiming all is well in Leafland, let's take a closer look at the two wins this week. One was against a Nashville team sitting near the bottom of the Western Conference, and one against the enigmatic New Jersey Devils who are 28th in the league. Neither of these two teams are what you'd call contenders. But then again, maybe two games in a row against sub-par competition is exactly what the Leafs desperately needed to regain lost confidence in order to get back to winning. Time will tell.

Your big headline of the day

VLM takes a look into comments made by Coach Ron Wilson that may hint to a goalie competition in Toronto.

Is Giguerre not the number one?  Was this still a competition and we just didn’t know?  Did the goalies know?  What about the long-stated value that a player won’t lose his job because of injury?  Is Wilson suggesting Giguere has not been playing well, that he was poised to lose his number-one status anyway?

More links after the jump.

Three solid games with Kadri in the lineup

Hard to argue with BCP here considering the facts

Leafs dig deep, dump the Devils

Two wins in a row has Mirtle loving the alliteration

Once again, the Devils lose

In Lou We Trust with a game review

Game 18 in 10

Mikhail Grabovski, so hot right now

Don't hold your breath over a Leafs trade

MLHS wants you to know that the Flames-Hurricans trade isn't a harbinger of things to come

Exorcising the Devils

Puckin' Eh needs an old defenseman and a young defenseman

LD's Friday Youtube Yoinkage

This week's theme: Audience Participation

Colin Campbell talks about Savard, Greg, and his emails

Commentors and myself not liking the questions written by the NHL

Also, Colin Campbell and Chris Botta were on Versus NHL Overtime last night. I'll update the FTB with video should it become available as both interviews are worth a watch and listen.

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