As some of you noted, and was linked last week, SBN's hockey megaverse decided that rather than pursue an original suggestion to run a hypothetical contracting teams that we'd do what the league was more likely to do and expand to thirty-two teams. Of course, whenever you do a hypothetical you should block out the boring suggestions. Otherwise, the predictable ends up becoming reality.  So the two expansion franchises are set: The Quebec Nordiques and the Winnipeg Jets have been raised from the dead for another kick at the can in the NHL.

Obviously, we're suspending belief and didn't restrict the votes to cities where the NHL might actually expand so there's no need to debate the selections. Definitely check out the post with the suggested nicknames as there were some real gems including Vichy Quebec that made me do a spit-take. Would love to see what you guys can come up with for them. Derek Zona is winning the Winnipeg race with "Winnipeg Really Crappy Markets".

Anyway, what do we have to do? Well, the other part of the exercise is that two celebrity bloggers will be drafting rosters for these two teams. Each team will be putting together a protected list except for a couple of bloggers who were vociferously against fake expanding the NHL. Go figure.

The guidelines are after the jump. Toss your lists in the comments and then you can all get mad on Thursday when I protect my favourites.

First up, the gound rules on who can be on the protected lists:

- Teams can protect either "1 goalie, 5 defensemen and 9 forwards" OR "2 goalies, 3 defensemen and 7 forwards."

- If you go the two goalie route, at least one goalie left unprotected must have played in at least 10 games last season OR 25 games in the last two seasons combined. One game = at least 31 minutes.

- Each team must leave unprotected at least one defenseman who appeared in 40 games last season OR 70 games in the last two seasons combined.

- Each team must leave unprotected at least two forwards who appeared in 40 games last season OR 70 games in the last two seasons combined.

- Players who have played in 49 or fewer games are automatically exempt and do not need to be protected.

As for the rules for the drafters (and no, I don't know for sure who they are going to be yet), they are as follows:

- Each expansion team selects 30 players. A total of 60 players will be selected.

- The first 26 picks are to be used on three goaltenders, eight defensemen and thirteen forwards.

- The final four picks can be used to pick a player at any position.

- Only one goalie or one defenseman can be selected from each existing team.

- Team must be compliant with the salary cap.

Ok folks, have at it.