To look at the progression of this site from it's blogspot days is to really marvel at the internet. It's gone from a lone voice toiling away to a vibrant community that, as of this posting, has 420 members, 431 fanposts, 934 fanshots, and over 168,000 comments. The fanposts showing aren't even a week old! And the fanshots tend to break news before even Chemmy or I can get to it.

The best part: the Leafs suck. You can look at the traffic numbers at the bottom of the page but it's funny to think that it's all happened despite some hardships. The Leafs have been in the midst of setting a record for futility in missing the playoffs four year, Chemmy came on board, Loser Domi started wrangling you nutters, Wrap and Mattblack became card carrying members of the PPParty, and despite all of those setbacks more and more commenters and lurkers (sign up and share your thoughts) have visited and contributed to the community. Hell, it's such a great place to talk hockey that opposition fans feel comfortable and that says a lot. There's only been one guy that didn't get it. I can deal with a 1-420 ratio.

So thanks for not only visiting but for helping build the community. We can't say it often enough but running the site is only fun because of everyone. Thanks to Joe at Mile High Hockey for compiling the stats on visits across SBN Hockey:

Name March Total Feb Total % Change
1 Western College Hockey Blog 50,902 40,185 0.27
2 PensBurgh 41,955 18,635 1.25
3 Pension Plan Puppets 37,655 25,145 0.50
4 Habs Eyes On The Prize 35,169 26,125 0.35
5 St. Louis Game Time 32,302 16,951 0.91

Obviously From The Rink and Japers' Rink (coming up with site names is hard!) are a distant 1 and 2 (and probably not in the order that you'd expect) but we're holding off the filthy Habs. Mirtle's done a great job getting all 30 teams represented since he joined - Edmonton and Columbus are on the way - so it's a testament to everyone here to be in the top 5. Thanks to Chemmy, Loser Domi, Wrap, and Mattblack because this site would not be half as good without them.