For those of you new to Pension Plan Puppets or SBN sites Game Threads are where the new platform really separates itself from the pack. The hotkeys help in scrolling through the comments and replying quickly and it's a great place to chat during the games. Preseason is a little tough because the games are all on LeafsTV but come the start of the regular season it'll be a great place to commiserate. We're not really sure what to put in here yet so if you have any suggestions send them our way.

Chris DiDomenico makes his first appearance in a Leafs' jersey tonight.


And our own Jeremy Williams tries to rediscover his scoring touch tonight.

And in other news, this game is probably being streamed via LeafsTV Interactive. I am told that you can use an IP proxy to make it think that you are in the Leafs' region. You can also try dropping by Justin's place to see if he's got the game on.