In case you've been living under a rock: a ton of us are going to Leafs - Habs on Saturday night. Because SkinnyFish and I are driving up from New York so that I can sleep on Archimedies' couch (thx bro) we're planning to do our favorite activity on Friday and Saturday: drink and act like complete buffoons.

The Schedule

Friday Night: Granite Brewery 8:00 PM-ish

mf37 suggested this place and I trust him. They have underground parking if you're coming in from outside the city. The time on this is going to be sort of up in the air depending on when SF and I arrive. If you're really paranoid make sure you're following us on twitter (I'm @felixpotvin, Skinny's @SkinnyFishbowl) because we'll be tweeting right up until the point we cross into Canada and our cell phone data goes from "free" to "ACC platinum seats".

Saturday Afternoon: The Loose Moose 4:00 PM

I've never been to the Loose Moose but we've had drunken get togethers there in the past and it's very close to the Air Canada Centre.

Saturday Night: The Loose Moose Post Leafs-game

We'll stumble out of the ACC and head back to the Loose Moose to pick people up before deciding to stay or go.

What You Should Do

Post in the comments if you're planning on coming to meet up with us! Everyone's welcome to hang out with us even you lurkers reading this and thinking "I love alcohol".

You should also point out anything I forgot so I can add it to this post.