7PM: Sportsnet Ontario
Jean-Sebastien Giguere vs. Scott Clemmensen

The Leafs played Washington, Carolina and Tampa before Phil Kessel headed to Raleigh for the All Star Break. Now the season resumes and the Leafs play Florida and Carolina again to ensure that after two weeks we've all run out of jokes about the Southwest Southeast.

On the plus side for us the Southwest Southeast speaks to how quickly fortunes can change for teams adding young players. It seems like ancient history but the Capitals went from atrocious to contenders in a few short years, Tampa are playing lights out right now and Atlanta look like they may squeeze into the playoffs. Carolina has a shot at the dance which could see the Southwest Southeast send four teams to the playoffs.

Tonight Giguere faces off against ex-Leaf Clemmensen who signed to play in the Marlies behind Andrew Raycroft and Vesa Toskala. In a brief callup he gave the Leafs .839 goaltending. The year after he went to New Jersey and throw down .917 goaltending in Brodeur's absence. This year he sits at a comfortable .921.

Bryan McCabe returns to the ACC tonight. He has 3 goals and 4 assists in 10 games played against the Leafs since his departure.

edit: Southeast

edit2: Bryan McCabe is hurt or something I don't care.