Before he left for his European vacation (or fishing trip with Burke?) PPP mentioned a desire to sign free agent, former Oiler playoff hero, Fernando Pisani. Now, there's the fact that he's 33, has ulcerative colitis, his -1.9 GVT rating, and previous salary of $2.5 million which all make him look like a bad choice. Let's look at what he actually can bring to the Leafs!

  1. How great would it be to have a player whose name is the title of an Abba song?  We had Abba jokes to make for so long back when we had Mats, Fernando would fill this void that has been missing for the past 2 years.
  2. He's good in the playoffs.  Well, I guess this is debatable, he probably could have been playing way above his head in 2005/2006.  But as far as our forwards go, there is a dearth of playoff experience, and his will certainly come in handy this year on our march towards the cup.
  3. He's not from Toronto.  We're all sick of signing Torontonian players who sign here in the twilight of their careers simply because they always wanted to don the blue and white.  Pisani would break that pattern, since he's actually from Edmonton, and we would be stealing him away from his home town.
  4. Let's not forget intangibles - he wore an A for the Oilers.  That counts for something, right?
  5. Finally, the guys at Copper and Blue love him.  Here's a quote: "If I somehow got super powers and became a professional athlete, that's the sort of athlete I like to think I'd be."

So, what do you think???
Oh yeah, here's your links!