Biggie was always better than Tupac. Let's open up the NNN with some fine journalism from the LA Times:

The Kings have often found themselves up a creek (Monday's 2-1 (sic) loss to the Toronto Maples (sic) Leafs is an example). But for once, they have a paddle.

In their defense the game started at 10:30PM so the LA writers wouldn't have had time to catch the end of the game. To be honest, with the score 1-0 Kings going into the third I'm surprised anyone in LA saw any of the Leafs goals, what with needing to leave early to beat the traffic.

Pingpong, it seems, is all the rage with the Kings, the brainchild of forward Jarret Stoll and Michal Handzus, who went to management and asked for a table during training camp. Since then, the team's dressing room looks like the set for "Balls of Fury II."

I hope they're good at it, because hockey certainly isn't their thing.

Armstrong, as the resident Forrest Gump, has benefited. A run-of-the-mill grinder on the ice, he is generally considered hall of fame material with Gretzky-like skills at the pingpong table.

Honestly? They're stealing my jokes right out from under me, but they're not just stealing my jokes, check this out:

The sport has come along way since pong. The Kings, though, haven't (40 years, no Stanley Cups).

-- Chris Foster

Yeah! Up yours LA! 1967! Wooooooo!

p.s. Chris "doesn't know the score or how to spell the name of the most popular team in the NHL" Foster, when Damien Cox found out you stole his bit he's going to put a hit out on you. Seriously. The Barilkosphere would help you out, but the "Maples Leaf" thing is unforgiveable.