Well it's back to the routine of everyday life for everyone today.  For some, that'll be really sucky, as it seems everyone who managed to make it to Toronto for the big meetup was very reluctant to leave (note: more pictures are required.  I'm sure you're all sufficiently recuperated from your hangovers to humour me today).  Me, I'm not so sure.  Keiko was not feeling well this weekend, and I was very worried.  She slept a lot more than usual, and was hardly playing, which meant we took her to the vet on Sunday afternoon.  He said she's fine, but she is on some antibiotics for a rash on her tummy, and that they are probably making her feel poor.  Yesterday she was doing better at least, a little more playful, and much less sleeping, so I feel good going in to work today.  Well, aside from the fact that I have to go in to work.  But we can't have everything, can we?
Links after the jump

Brittanie's legacy
BlueJacketsXtra with a heartbreaking tale about Espen Knutsen and the accidental death of a 13 year old girl in attendance at a BJ's game that had the misfortune of being hit by his slap shot.  

    Friedman underused on HNIC
    Great article from Bruce Dowbiggen about why Elliotte Friedman deserves more facetime on HNIC.