Happy Monday, hope your weekend went well.

Today in hockey news:

New York Islanders AHL affiliate unveils second rebrand
The Bridgeport Sound Tigers were a dying breed in the American Hockey League. An expansion franchise in 2001, Bridgeport was purchased by the New York Islanders three years later. The Sound Tigers …
NHL brings officiating lessons abroad at 2024 European Summer Exposure Combine | NHL.com
Officials from 17 countries participate at camp in Budapest, Hungary

Okay, it's Monday and it's tough to remember hockey is a thing. SN posted this engagement farming question yesterday:

And I said, well duh, Hilary Knight and Marie-Philip Poulin. Now your turn, name some names.

Later today (or already if you get up late) there will be Part I of the history of the PPP T25. Part II will be tomorrow. And sometime before the end of July I will compile all the Community votes and put them in one place.

The UFA list is getting thin:

NHL Players Search Result
Created with PuckPedia.com

One name that leapt out is Gustav Lindström. Is he good? No, not likely, but he's another unqualified RFA from Anaheim. He's also a right-shooting defender. He actually looks better on the Ducks than Simon Benoit did and look how that turned out! Seriously though, the only mark in Lindström's favour is that he was drafted by Detroit, and they usually don't go wrong with Swedes. Maybe they did, though because they let him go in the Jeff Petry trade, and then Montréal let him go on waivers.

In all honesty, the two best unsigned players are Gio and JvR, so there's not much left.