I write this on day two of my three day Memorial Day Weekend. Here in America, tomorrow we celebrate Memorial Day. The day has been set aside to honor those men and women who have served in our armed forces and dates back to the end of the Civil War. I have nothing but the utmost pride for our soldiers, and am grateful for their sacrifice.

In today's world, I am also thankful for the military personnel in other countries who fight alongside the US, Canada being a prime example.  Two weeks ago, Colonel Geoff Parker became the highest ranking Canadian soldier to be killed in action in Afghanistan. Last weekend while driving up to a friend's cottage North-East of Toronto along the Highway of Heroes, I happened to be traveling East at the motorcade carrying Col. Parker was traveling West towards Toronto. It was a somber moment for the 5 Canadians and 1 lone American inside that mini-van.

So today, on this day of remembrance and thanks for American military personnel, I extend that thanks to the fine men and women of Canada whose service to their country has also been in a way to my own.


Links after the jump.

Leafs are up to 6th in Hockey's Future organizational depth chart

Though 4 out of the top 5 prospects were already regulars last season.

What it would cost to buyout Wade Redden

No value here, just a good point and laugh.

Off-Day News: Leighton To Start Game 2, Carcillo Back In? Pronger Gets Feisty At Presser

Broad Street Hockey catches you up on everything Flyers.

Is the Blackhawks' logo offensive?

Cox brought this up last week, and Hockey Wilderness takes a look at it. Cox's backpedaling can be found here.

The 2005 Leafs' Draft in Review

MLHS looks back at the 2005 draft, and it ain't pretty.

Leighton gets the start in Game 2

I think he's earned it.

Apparently the ice is pretty crappy in the United Center

The warm Chicago temperatures are playing a factor.

Marian Hossa is no Eddie Litzenberger

Hossa has gone three years in a row, but Litzenberger won it 4 in a row with 2 teams.

It's the Stanley Cup Drinking Game

Best played with an IV of grain alcohol in your arm.