Bad Bounce for Marlies Gives Admirals a Stranglehold on Calder Cup - James Mirtle at the Globe and Mail

As Norfolk Admirals defenceman Mike Kostka dumped the puck in off the glass, Marlies netminder Ben Scrivens went behind the net to play the puck, as he had dozens of times in the night.

Only this time the puck didn’t ring around the glass. It hit a stanchion, bounced out sharply towards the open goal and in.

"That’s a one in a million thing... I was just hoping it wasn’t going in," Scrivens said.

The 8,000 in attendance then sat in stunned silence as the Admirals poured onto the ice to celebrate the 1-0 win that gives them a stranglehold of a 3-0 series lead.

But should it have counted? Follow me after the jump for some rule book reading.

As many viewers were quick to point out, the dump in came during a delayed offsides call on Norfolk and there were still Admirals players in the Marlies zone when the puck crossed the goal line. As rule 83.4 of the AHL rulebook clearly states:

83.4 Disallowed Goal – If the puck is shot on goal during a delayed offside, the play shall be allowed to continue under the normal clearingthe-zone rules. Should the puck, as a result of this shot, enter the defending team’s goal, either directly or off the goalkeeper, a player or an official on the ice, the goal shall be disallowed as the original shot was off-side. The fact that the attacking team may have cleared the zone prior to the puck entering the goal has no bearing on this ruling. The face-off will be conducted at the face-off spot in the zone closest to the point of origin of the shot that gives the offending team the least amount of territorial advantage.

So yeah the refs blew that a 0-0 overtime a pivotal Game 3. There is a Hockey God and he hates Toronto.


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Hide yo wives. Hide yo kids.

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Apparently you go stick-side high.