Do Us All a Favor, Including Gustavsson: Set the Monster Free - Mike Langlois from Vintage Leaf Memories

The whole Leaf/Monster "experiment" probably got off on the wrong foot to begin with—Burke eagerly criss-crossing Europe or whatever to track down this free-agent wunderkind goalie. Un-drafted, Gustavsson came with a big reputation and a great nickname, "The Monster". Who wouldn’t want that, if you were an NHL team in need of help in net?

But a series of things seemed to get in the way since his signing, including the presence of veteran goaltenders, a heart ailment and inconsistent play.

But here’s the thing: for whatever reason, Gustavsson never really earned Ron Wilson’s confidence. Oh, I know, those who look to statistical answers will quite rightly say, "Just look at the guy’s save percentage. How could Wilson have faith in the guy?" And yes, the recent visual evidence that he tends to give up "bad" goals, or goals at bad times, can be crushing for a team, especially one with a fragile psyche and a recent history of non-success.

For those reasons and more, Mike wants the Monster freed. So do we all. More links after the jump.

Leafs Links

The Ugliest Eddie Shore in the Universe

Old time cards; Eddie Shore. Oh piss on Eddie Shore!

Cody Franson: Life in the Press Box

Not enough mention of the free popcorn in the ACC press box.

Leafs Continue to Slump

I dunno, I view the loser point last night like pulling out the drag chute during free fall.

Ben Scrivens is Amazing.

He's awful. He's amazing. He's terrible. He's amazing. He's....

Game 18 in 10

11 - With MacA and Grabbo getting MRIs tomorrow, expect to see Kadri called up and Connolly between him and Kulemin on Thursday.

The North, the Updates, the Contest

Jeffler has good stuff for the Marlies.

Other Links

Expected Shots-For and Shots-Against at Different Zone Starts

Bettman's Nightmare looks how zone starts drive offense for a player.

Things Overhead at the HHOF Induction Ceremony

DGB was a fly on the wall and overhead some good stuff.

No, He Doesn't Have a Point

Tom Benjamin disagrees with Mark Howe's comment about today's game.