So a funny thing happened over the weekend. The Montreal Canadiens were mathematically eliminated from the Playoffs. Another thing happened as well, this one not so funny. The Toronto Maple Leafs Playoff Death Number fell to just 4, meaning it's all but a certainty that the Leafs will miss the dance for the 7th consecutive year. Just lovely when you consider that teams will be making the Playoffs thru means that our GM has deemed as unsuccessful. Florida reloaded thru Free Agency and is likely going to win the South East. Ottawa scrapped the "traditional" rebuild, found themselves some goaltending, and are winning games with a group of no-names and Jason Spezza.

You've one draft and one free agency to show me something Mr. Burke, or more than likely you'll be shown the door.

Leafs Links

A Very Bitter Six Years

mf37's Bitter Leafs Fan blog turned 6 this weekend. Head on over there for his 10 favorite posts.

Maple Leaf damage-control spin masters have been out doing their job

Mike at VLM is not being the tripe being fed to Leafs fans on the state of the team.