The NHL Awards were held last night and the Maple Leafs, as a team, as an organization, didn't earn a single vote for any award or trophy. Not a single one. Even in a year with more than it's fair share of questionable votes (Gustav Nyquist got a 2nd place vote for the Hart Trophy. Seriously.), not a single Leaf (player, coach, or GM) got a single vote. That's how much of a joke organization this is; they didn't even garner a single joke vote. Steve Simmons votes on some of these things for fucks sake!

Way to go Maple Leafs! Way to go!


A Good Buyout: Tim Gleason

Didn't the Leafs already buyout this player last year?

An Argument for NHLe

Pretty useful leading up to the draft.

Leafs, Gardiner Working on a Bridge Deal

I certainly hope so.

Trading Nazem Kadri, What Would it Mean?

It'd mean they're stupid.