So while Winnipeg, Boston, and Vancouver revel in the moment and Atlanta sulks, there are still 27 other teams with work to do between now and next season. Like deciding what to do with free agents for one.

Making Their Case - Michael Stephens at MLHS

All three have notched career highs in games played and points scored in 2010 – 2011, and all three are pending Unrestricted Free Agents in July. Between the ages of 26 and 28 all three have had breakthrough years. Yet they aren’t looking to cash in on the open market. They’re fighting just to make the Leafs 2011 – 2012 roster.

They’ve had to earn every NHL pay cheque they’ve cashed, but who among Darryl Boyce, Tim Brent and Joey Crabb will be back next season in blue and white?

More links, only one of which is about Winnipeg, after the jump.

Twenty UFAs in Their 20s

Puckin' Eh looks at some possible summer help for the Leafs.

2011 Stanley Cup Preview

DGB doing what he does best.

Stanley Cup Final Preview From My Young, Female Coworker Who Knows Nothing About Hockey

Dirty Dangle blogs about something that isn't fashion or puppies.

Boston and Burke

Why FiftyMissionCap is reluctantly rooting for the Canucks

Thrashers Debate: Realignment Questions

Time to figure out who play who next year.

And more links than I care to link on the Atlanta to Winnipeg move.

If you haven't yet, don't forget to sign up for Round #4 of the PPP Playoff Prognostication Pool. Round closes at puckdrop tonight. Rounds 1 thru 3 scoring available here.