Well basically, he's a better Tim Brent. Now, some people have already argued the contrary based on faceoff %s (Dupuis - 46.2%, Brent - 52%) among other things. Now I could delve into Corsi ratings, QCOMPs, and more advanced stats, but looking over their numbers I found a few basic ones that I feel tell a big story.

First, time on ice. Brent - 11:39 ATOI over 79 games; Dupuis 9:07 ATOI over 70 games. So Brent played over 2 1/2 minutes more per game than Dupuis.

Second, shots. Brent - 60; Dupuis - 101. In 240 less minutes of game time, Dupis had 41 more shots than Tim Brent.

Third, shooting %. Brent - 13.3%; Dupuis - 5.9%. Being mostly luck, you gotta figure next season Tim Brent's shooting % will go down, and Dupuis' will go up.

All considered, it seems like Philippe Dupuis finds a way to get a lot of pucks on the net and with a little luck, he'll contribute a lot more offensively than did Brent last season.

I give this signing the SkinnyFish Stamp of Approval.

More links after the jump.

Could Burke Do More?

Jeff Blair wonders if Burke is using all at his disposal to improve the team.

Leafs' Third Line Key to Success

Leafs Nation Online views the third line as extremely important for team success.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being Tyler Bozak

Kent Wilson wonders if Bozak was worth the price of re-upping.

Burke: Richards Deal Amounts to Cap Circumvention

Ruh roh. I don't think we'll ever hear about it, but I'm guessing Burke gets fined for this.

Two Leafs Re-Up: A Recap

ITB&WB looks back at the last two busy days.

Crappy Contracts and Why the NHL Remains on the Road to Ruin

Mike at VLM hates horrible contracts and how the negatively affect the league.

Phillipe Dupuis is the Saviour

Jeffler may be a bit too excited over the latest Leaf.

Joe Nieuwendyk's Hall of Fame Case

PuckStopsHere wraps up his 2011 HHoF series.