So Stamkos might be on the market (maybe) and Schenn has yet to be re-signed. Other than that, not much going on in the hockey world as we find ourselves in the equivalent of the horse latitudes of the hockey year. Seen any good movies lately? If so, head on over to the CC to discuss them. If you want to talk hockey, here are some links to get you prepped for the day.

Leafs Defense Best in Years?

No Lebda, Exelby, Wozniewski, or Khavanov? Yup, best in years.

Did the Hockey Gods Finally Just Smile on Burke?

Rumors of an impasse between Stamkos and Tampa has the hockey world aflutter.

Do the Leafs Need All These Management Voices?

Mike at VLM wonders if too many chefs won't spoil the broth.

No Magic Bullet: Faceoff and the Penalty Kill

mc79 looks for a correlation between faceoffs and PK percentage.

Where Does Cody Franson Fit?

Jonathan Willis looks at last year's icetime to see where Franson will find playing time.

Slava Duris and His Helmet

Vintage Leafs with more photo goodness.

A Cartoon Controversy

Tom Benjamin with the  skinny of Bob McCown and his dislike of Burke's stance on long-term contracts.