Tonight's game in Toronto will see two new additions to the organization make their NHL debuts. Joe Colborne, 21, will be skating on the first line with Phil Kessel and Joffrey Lupul, while Matt Frattin, 23, plays with Tyler Bozak and Nazem Kadri. Keep in mind that this is simply an experience building exercise for the two rookies. They're out there to find some things to work on over the summer, as well as showing Habs fans who will haunt their dreams for the next ten years. That said, it should still be cool to see so much young talent wearing the blue and white. A sign of things to come? One can hope.

Links after the jump...

Saturday links:

Salute to Joe Bowen

VLM wants to thank the voice of the Maple Leafs

Tim Brent: Leafs entry for the Bill Masterton Trophy

The Hockey Writers have some thoughts on the nomination

Paying Tyler Bozak

Puckin Eh shares their estimates on re-signing Bozak

Hope Floats

MLHS discusses the end of the season and some things to look forward to

Playoff etiquette for hockey fans

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