Here be your  links to kick off Week 2 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Leafs Links

Tim Brent - No Guts, No Glory

Delayed Off-Sides give a glove tap Tim Brent for being all that is man.

The Newest Member of Leafs Nation

Everyone welcome T.M.L.

Sharing Make the Blogosphere Go Round

Inspired by a piece by mf37 in the Maple Leafs annual, LNO expands upon this concept.

Your Bandwagon, My Bangwagon, and the Bandwagon

Jeffler talks bandwagons at LeafsHQ.

Are the Bruins Done Just Like "Tiger" and the Leafs in 1977?

Mike at VLM delves into this question.

Other Links

Yeah, Raffi Torres is probably getting suspended for this.

Kuklas Korner has the video.