Boy, for a day as devoid of Leafs news as yesterday was, I sure have a number of Leafs-related links to share with you, not to mention a pile of NHL-related stuff. Not that I'm complaining, of course, it's always good to have more to discuss, but it gets harder and harder to justify self-promotion with all this other stuff going on.

Over at The Leafs Nation, I've started looking at the Leafs 2010-11 shot location information once again. This time, I've focused on the shots that Giguere, Gustavsson, and Reimer faced, and begun to analyze the results. Here's what I had to say on Reimer:

Reimer’s shot chart is interesting because aside from the front of the net, there aren’t any noticeable concentrations of shots. Chances are scattered more or less evenly throughout the zone, and seem to suggest that the Leafs weren’t hemmed in their own end as often, and were forcing shooters to fire from more difficult angles and more distant points. Even the high slot is relatively bare, and we know from Gabe Desjardins’ graph that this is a high-chance area.

Read on for lots more.

Leafs Links:

I'm Done With Fighting
On the heels of Rick Rypien's death, Chemmy moves on from fighting.

Where Will The Leadership Come From?
Michael Langlois isn't convinced (yet) that Dion Phaneuf is capable of doing the job that Dougie Gilmour once did.

So you think you can dance: Leafs edition
The latest batch of photos is up at Vintage Leafs, so go browse around.

Royals Renew Affiliation with Toronto and Boston
Not Earth-shattering news, but still important. From

What to Expect: Toronto Maple Leafs
The latest from Maple Leafs' Digest.

Inside The Blue And White Bubble: James Reimer
Reimer certainly holds the keys to the playoffs, but what are the odds he gets us in?

Other Hockey Links:

The Human Toll Of Fighting
Peter Raymaakers with a great piece on fighting. Sadly, the toll took another life.

Jets Forward Rypien Found Dead
James Mirtle broke the story, so we'll give him the link this morning. From the Globe, naturally.

Don't Expect Change From The R&D Camp
Danny Gray thinks that we're all a little too attached to the status quo. I mean, hey, things are pretty good now, eh?

Wayne over at Leafs Nation thinks that Winnipeg, despite being a small market, is well set-up to succeed.

Depth Chart Comparison - Edmonton Oilers Versus Alternate Reality
The alternate reality team lines up against an NHL team. Who has the better lineup? From Derek Zona at the Copper & Blue.

For Russia With Love
Mislav Jantoljak debates why the NHL is dragging its heels with regards to Sochi.

Vancouver Canucks need to quell venting underbelly of fans
I'm not sure it's the team's responsibility to make sure idiots don't act like idiots, but then, I don't know who else is going to make people behave. From Matthew Sekeres at the Globe.

Montreal Canadiens sign defenseman Woywitka
Former Dallas Star signs a one-year deal. From the AP at the Globe.

Canadian team preview: The Montreal Canadiens
The third in a series of seven breakdowns of how teams will do in the coming NHL season. Mirtle figures the Habs have what it takes to finish 5th in the East.

Crosby's Return Date To The Penguins Remains Up In Air
Pittsburgh GM confirms concussed star continues to feel ‘some symptoms on and off’. From David Shoalts Shoalts at the Globe.

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