Just jump for your links. Van Halen references or related comments are punishable by death.

VLM ponders a new potential rivalry

I can't say that I have any particular memories of the Leafs playing the Jets. Do you?

Glendale Officials Optimistic About Coyotes Sale

"Listen lad, I built this arena up from nothing. All there was was desert. All the other kings said I was DAFT to build an arena in the desert, but I built it all the same, just to show 'em! It sank into the desert. SO, I built a second one. That sank into the desert. So I built a third one! That one burned down, fell over, and THEN sank into the desert! BUT THE FOURTH ONE STAYED UP. And that's what you're going to get, lad! The STRONGEST arena in this desert." Glove tap to PD for the link.

A Guide To Dating A Hockey Fan

From the Active Stick.

Northeast Division Preview

By Lukas Hardonk at the Hockey Writers.

Crosby Seeks Out Specialists As Symptoms Return

From Mirtle at the Globe.

Can Reimer and Gustavsson Lead The Way?

Derek Harmsworth ponders at MLHS.

Let's Not Get Ahead Of Ourselves

Jeffler tries to temper expectations about the stuff that the MLHS article was just talking about.

James Reimer Signs Autographs At The Hockey Hall of Fame

What's with the jazz? I wish I could think of something funnier to write here, but I'm sure you'll all think of something. Again, a glove tap to PD for this link.

Which Players Are Training At The BioSteel Camp?

Another article from Mirtle.

Biosteel And The Placebo Effect

The latest from Danny Gray at TLN.

CBC Shoots Down Anti-West Claims

LOL at those claims, and LOL at The Toronto Star's bit in this article. Whoo, boy. From Bruce Dowbiggin.