Ok, things are coming to a head with Vesa Toskala. Last night he played like a diseased hooker. He spread his legs on Kessel's goal, fell to his knees in a blink of an eye on Ryder's, and screwed every fan in the building leaving them with something a bit more long-term than they were looking for: PTSD flashbacks of Andrew Raycroft.

Drake15 has a great fanpost up looking at the situation and it's not pretty. The Leafs' defence is playing pretty well. Last night there were not too many five alarm chances. Hunwick's goal was one of the few and Mayers backchecking, or lack thereof, was mostly responsible for that one. However, both the opening and closing goals were not those kinds of chances. Despite the Bruins' fan behind me repeating that Ryder had made some magical toe-drag it was more a case of Toskala being on his knees very early.

The only thing that came close to matching my disappointment in Toskala was the fact that the Leafs wasted about 25-30 seconds of a possible 6-on-4 in the last minute because they did not give the Bruins the puck. Of course, the mad scramble at the end could have resulted in another chance if they had another 30 seconds but that's a mental error that needs to get fixed.

The following are quips and observations on the game and the crowd from my buddy and I:

Could you be more ignorant?
Friend, to the parent that brought two toddlers to the game and talked throughout the anthem

Yeah, I bet you love your boys
- Me, to the jailbait blond in a Bruins jersey and a "I love my Boys" sign after the first goal

Hmmm...they look faster on TV
- Me, wondering when the Leafs that I had seen on TV were going to show up

Stajan is Mike Fisher without Cojones
- My friend, explaining to me exactly why he doesn't like Stajan

I guess it goes to show that it's not just rich or refined people that come to these games
My friend, reacting to the guy that burped in his ear

Leafs Nation is a diverse bunch
My obvious conclusion

That guy looks like Ron Francis, kind of, you have to really look for it.
No he doesn't not even a bit.
Yes, look at his hair and kind of his face.
Nope. No dice.
Trust me, I was right.

Ummm...I guess that they are going to fight?
- Me, after Jamal Mayers had to go fetch his glove and stick before dropping them again 10 seconds later.

That hot girl keeps making eye contact with me
- I was lost on what to do next other than pummel her boyfriend

Is Grabovski bigger than Jason Blake?
- Turns out that in the program he is 1inch taller and 1 pound lighter

Did you know that the A on his shirt stands for awesome.
I thought that it stood for Antropov.
Antropov is Russian for awesome.
You're an idiot.
I like Antropov much more than my friend

Wait, all of these guys cheer for Manchester United and Chelsea! I never should have read that.
Around the second period you could have heard my heart break while reading the program.

Throw me your shirt.
- Me to my buddy, loud enough to be funny about the cheerleaders throwing shirts from the catwalk above the purples.

- The jerk behind me that stole all of my laughs

God, as if it was bad enough with the Celtics, the Red Sox, and the Patriots now the Bruins are awesome.
- My friend, wondering what Toronto can do to match Boston.

Why call timeout? On a penalty they can't change players
- Boston fans are dumb in every sport

Good thing we hit so many posts. Antro could have had 2 goals, an assist and been a hero.
- The margin of defeat is a little too small for my liking

Let's Go Yan-kees (clap, clap, clap clap clap)
- Me to the Bruins fans. Screw you Massholes!

I wish I had remembered my camera. They have started construction on the facade facing Maple Leafs Square. Plus, like I said, the borderline jailbait Bruins fan was worth a pic. I'll have some posts up on the program. I got away from buying them but the last two times I've shelled out the $5 which, oddly enough, is what they cost the first time my dad took me to the Gardens.

Thanks to everyone that came out to the game threads. Hope the splitting helped everyone. LD, the minister of chit chat, reigned supreme again.

Name # of Posts
loser domi 218
JaredFromLondon 137
Chemmy 115
blurr1974 99
Mabel 91
EastLoop 77
bkblades 53
clark4calder 37
Akihockey 15
Karina 14
general borschevsky 13
Polecon 13
Mirinov's Nose 11
mf37 8
MapleLeafs85 3
Drake15 1
penaltyshots 1
dare_ 1
koopa kid 1