On Twitter last night, @1967ers thought it'd be keen to post some lockout centric haikus. Here are my favorites. Got any to add?

Losing a season

was so much fun the last time

that we'll try again?

Lockout imminent?

Sure, buyout Colby Armstrong.

Sounds like a great plan


Losing my hockey

has so addled my small brain.

I'm reading books. BOOKS!

Here there be links.

10 Leafs-Related Thoughts and Questions

MLHS puts on their questioning caps.

Joffrey Lupul No Longer a Victim of Circumstance

Hey look, another misinformed dig at Francois Beauchemin.

KHL: Komarov Scores in Upset Loss and More

Dangle continues liking the KHL.

Wide Reaching Leafs/Marlies Prospects Thoughts

Also, VLM reaches 1,100 posts.

A Look Back at the Careers Cut Short by the Last NHL Lockout

Poor Adam Oates.

Minnesota Wild Staff to Take 20% Paycuts

Meanwhile, Wild ownership gave out $20M in signing bonuses to Suter and Parise for this year alone.

Riley Sheahan's Drunk Driving Charge is Straight Out of Mad Libs

Seriously, that's some fine college drunkenness.

NHL Amnesty Game: Who Would Each Eastern Conference Team Buyout if They Could?

Lukas Hardonk doesn't understand LTIR nor that teams actually have to pay players in buyout amnesty.

Mediators to Join NHL Talks


Also happy birthday to Marc-Andre Fleury and oh yeah, me. What did you get me?