All we are is dust in the wind.
- Kansas

It has to come to the attention of the tech team at PPP Almagamated Heavy Industries that our corner of the website has no favicon. What is a favicon? It's that little site logo you see on the tabs and in your favourites bar and right now it's just a lame Internet Explorer 'e'. Considering the creative talent in the community including I assume some of the lurkers it's a travesty that we are represented by the logo of a massive conglomerate. Huh. That's ironic right? I never know for sure.

Anyway, this is your chance (points at everyone of you) to show off your skills. Karina's already sent in three submissions below and the other is just the site logo. There are no restrictions on your submission but keep in mind that the picture will eventually be 32X32 pixels. E-mail them as JPEGs to me at pensionplanpuppets at gmail dot com by Friday August 21 at 9am and we'll vote on them next Friday at noon. The best one will get the unending adulation of the community and a hearty handshake.*

The Current Options
Ppp_favicon1_medium Ppp_favicon2_medium Ppp_favicon3_medium Pensionplanpuppets_medium

Karina # 1

Karina # 2

Karina # 3

The Site Logo

* will have to travel to Mississauga to get said handshake.