Two years ago, after a crushing loss to the Vancouver Canucks, many Leaf fans awoke to a Darren Dreger tweet suggesting big moves were in store for their beloved hockey club that day. By the time the dust had settled, the Leafs had shipped out spare parts for Dion Phaneuf, Jean-Sebastien Giguere, and others. Last night I saw several folks on twitter reference that day while watching the Leafs get picked apart defensively (yet again).

I don't get the feeling we'll see the Leafs make a big trade this year. The one player we know Burke wanted was James van Riemsdyk; a player no longer available as Philadelphia has filled its need on the blue-line for the short term. On top of that, it's a very limited market and there are contending teams willing to give up more to get the guy they want. Teams such as Columbus want good young pieces like Jake Gardiner and Nazem Kadri and I'm not sure that's the type of deal Burke wants to make.

As Michael Langlois from Vintage Leaf Memories writes:

But I would be shocked, knocked off my feet, whatever phrase comes to mind, to even think that we could acquire the best forward Anaheim has, or the best player Columbus has ever had, unless we give back something that is going to hurt. So I say again: If I’m Howson, or I am Murray, any talk involving my "best guys" means I absolutely insist on getting Gardiner back in the deal, and that’s just the beginning of the package.

I want the Leafs to make a splash as much as the next guy, but if you sit down and think about it, are the Leafs one player away from being significantly better? I could see the Leafs adding Rick Nash or whoever and still miss the playoffs next season due to poor coaching, goaltending, and team defense. Perhaps it's best if the Leafs do nothing.

Links after the jump...

Game 59: Game in 10

Quick hits from MLHS

Marlies lose 2-1 to St. Johns

MarliesHQ with the recap

Interview: Mark Owuya

Another one from Jeff at MarliesHQ

Mixing toughness with skill

New stuff from David Johnson at Hockey Analysis