Game two of the Stanley Cup Finals is tonight at 8 PM. In other news, Bob McCown was pranked yesterday by a fake twitter account which claimed the Leafs had acquired the rights to Brad Richards. I found this to be pretty hilarious. I'm sure McCown will now launch an all-out war on the evils of twitter. Of course, I'm not really sure why you'd listen to or follow him in the first place.

Will the Leafs go after the rights of Richards?  I have my doubts.  Burke doesn't seem like he'll part with assets just for the chance to negotiate, and I'm not sure he's ever done it in the past.

More Richards talk and other links after the jump...

Saturday links:

The other former star players who interviewed for Colin Campbell's job


The Richards conundrum

Puckin Eh has some sound analysis on B-Rich

The 1963 Cup Finals Toronto vs Detroit

VLM looks back at a series of yesteryear

HW 2011 prospects: Zach Phillips

Hockey Wilderness scouts the young Sea Dogs player, a potential Leafs pick in the first round

Should the Rangers trade for Brad Richards' rights?

YES. Yes they should.