Sunaya Sapurji of Yahoo Sports tweeted the following last night:

Rob Faulds reports Sarnia's Alex Galchenyuk will not return after suffering a shoulder/arm injury earlier in the game vs. London.

AHHHHHHHH. I was pretty much ready to punch a whole through my TV and the wall behind it when I read that around 8 or so. Thankfully, Neate Sager posted an update later on suggesting Galchenyuk was able to load his own bag on the bus and the injury is not serious. PHEW. All the Leafs need now is a bunch of losses (shouldn't be difficult for them) and some help from one or two other potential lottery teams and Galchenyuk can start looking for an apartment in Toronto (I have no idea if they will actually draft him).

Should be some Leafs links after the jump...

Scrivens, Marlies shutout Grand Rapids

Recap from Jeffler. Colborne and Kadri pointless again.

A look back at 1977

New one from VLM