Athletes as a group tend to appear to lack in the personality department. Part of that is because it's easier to hide it than to share it and have to deal with people opining on it (step forward Tim Thomas) and part of it is because when you devote so much time to become among the best in a particular field you sometimes don't have time to develop an actual personality. Joffrey Lupul apparently has no such problems. Whether it's chirping Buffalo for being ugly or chirping Ottawa's fans for not buying tickets or, apparently, playing water games with former teammates:

"As soon as there was a TV timeout, it was just like during a game: You had about 2 and a half minutes to get the job done and get back to your seats and pretend like nothing happened. It was pretty funny," said Hartnell.

The word after the Draft, however, was that Team Chara's Joffrey Lupul used his assistant captaincy to cut the line for the bathroom, specifically in front of his old Flyers teammate Hartnell.

Hartnell denied Lupul pulled rank to get into the men's room. Because ... well ...

"Let's just say we shared the same bathroom at one time. He had to get out there quick. Everyone likes to play swords I guess," he said, with a laugh.

Let's be honest though: if you know enough people that play hockey at a decent level then you've probably hear much worse stories involving urine. Enjoy your imagination running wild!

Links after the jump.

Leafs Links

He Puzzled And He Puzzled

JP looks at whether it matters in which period teams score the most

Korbinian Holzer vs Hugh Jessiman

One of the biggest draft busts of all time in absolutely owned by Holzer after Huge Specimen (Small Talent) tries to land a sucker punch.

Brian Burke speaks: On the perils of NHL trading

Pretty good story about Glen Sather.

Be afraid: NHLPA has Scott Hartnell, Joffrey Lupul and others filming their lives

Lupul filming his life? Yes please.

VIDEO: Somebody Yelled 'Wade Belak' From Crowd During NHL All-Star Draft -

Pretty much sums up Ottawa

.Brian Burke speaks: On Lou Lamoriello and buttered toast

Shave those sideburns Burke!

Evaluating the Leafs Defensemen - Hockey Analysis

Some surprises in this analysis including Luke Schenn's offensive ranking.

The Declined Play of the Grabovski Line - Maple Leafs Hot Stove

This could have used a look at the players' scoring rates. Grabovski is producing consistent with his career averages. Kulemin and MacArthur are having off years.

Six Questions, Six Answers - Maple Leafs Hot Stove

One note: If Gustavsson hits 60 regular season starts it'll be 18 more than his previous career high at any level.

NHL Links

Talking with Advanced Hockey Stats - Scott Lewis

Lewis is able to do what few are: get an anonymous advanced hockey stat to discuss his colleagues on the record. Brilliant.

Is Scott Gomez hockey's most underrated? (Yes) - The LeafsNation

One aspect missing: acknowledgement that a player's value cannot be divorced from his cap hit. C'est la vie.

Why The NHL All-Star Draft Is The Best Part Of All-Star Weekend -

Pretty much agree. It's the best of a generally bad lot.

Will Zdeno Chara Pick Tim Thomas At NHL's All-Star Draft? -

Dave Shoalts can be pretty funny when he's not being a dick.

TSN admits announcer Dave Hodge’s ‘KKK’ Tim Thomas tweet was ‘in poor taste’

Dave Hodge owns Part I

Classic Television Showbiz: Hockey Night in Canada - The Dave Hodge Pen Flip (1986)

Dave Hodge owns Part II

Thursday Thought Piece: Realignment Revenue Sharing - Battle of California

What to do about potentially uneven conferences. Go Economics! (Wish Sleek had included a cartoon)

Comparing The Oilers Rebuild To Don Waddell’s Work In Atlanta - Edmonton Journal

The problem with any kind of rebuild scenario, including the Oilers, is that the inevitable comparisons are to models that have worked in the past.

Did Scott Gomez Score Last Night?

This is pretty funny.

Columnist: Tim Thomas needs to break his silence | ProHockeyTalk

CSNNE's Joe Haggerty (sweatily) explains why the B's netminder needs to answer questions. You can't make a bombshell statement like he did and then just plug your ears to questions.

A J.P. Morgan Vice President Has Very Specific Tactical Plans For His Rec League Basketball Team

Some people take beer leagues really seriously even when it's a crummy sport like basketball.