Last night the dumber of your two Chief Blogging Officers posted a four fourteen month old picture of someone's Transformers mask and claimed it was James Reimer's because he's not very attentive. This morning the bloodless coup has finished and as the new head honcho here at PPP Industrial Services and Global Agriculture LLC I'm proud to announce A CONTEST.
Follow me over the jump for the rules and to find out what you can win!
The Rules:
Design a mask that PPP will likely retweet as being James Reimer's (he heard it from a good source!) using the following template:
Here it is as a .psd file with the "colored" part of the mask removed because most of you don't know anything about edge selection. If you don't have Photoshop please consider installing GIMP, an open source Photoshop competitor that is free for Windows, Linux and OS X. If you're on OS X and would prefer something a little nicer for $30 consider Pixelmator which has a 30 day free trial.
The Prizes
1st Place: Insult PPP for being gullible, gloat to your friends about being clever PPP LAST SECOND EDIT: Winner gets a Pucking Hilarious shirt so actually work on these.
2nd Place: Insult PPP for being gullible, gloat to your friends about being more clever than everyone except first place
3rd Place: Go with the flow
Obligatory Lebda Joke
Comment Markdown
Inline Styles
Bold: **Text**
Italics: *Text*
Both: ***Text***
Strikethrough: ~~Text~~
Code: `Text` used as sarcasm font at PPP
Spoiler: !!Text!!