We heard Ron Wilson say yesterday that another player will be joining the Leafs but he neglected to specify who. Christian Hanson was called up and a lot of us were guessing that Ryan Hamilton, a power forward prospect we got in exchange for Robbie Earl, would be the other call up. I noticed this on Twitter:

@bartsbytes: #Marlies set to face the Monsters at 11am. No Jiri Tlusty or Alex Foster for the Marlies today. Foster tweaked his back during practice.

I tweeted at him to find out what was up with Tlusty but it's unlikely he's a healthy scratch. He wouldn't be able to play in tonight's Leafs game due to waiver process restrictions but there's a good chance we're going to get to see a whole lot more of Jiri Tlusty.

Update: John Bartlett's reply to me:

Well, he seems to be a suprise scratch, so to answer you, we don't know.

Update 2: According to clrkaitken down in the comments the Fan announced Tlusty has a cold. I was excited to see Tlusty dangle.