Wilson Shrugs Off the Boos - James Mirtle at the Globe and Mail

In his 17th season coaching in the NHL, Ron Wilson has pretty much seen it all. And the fact Leafs fans were again calling for him to be canned during last night's 6-3 loss to the Thrashers doesn't appear to bother him.

"I have strong shoulders," Wilson said. "That's just something that doesn't come from a lot of people, but it always sounds loud. It's usually unfortunately the silent majority gets overruled by the vocal minority. So that's just part of the game."

What does Twitter have to say about this?

Down Goes Brown - It can't be good when your defense of getting booed is "Hey, the majority of our fans who watch our games in total icy silence are with me".

eyebleaf - Ron Wilson should have done his post-game presser in the Phaneuf mask. (It's from 5 days ago, but oh so appropriate)

SkinnyPPPhish - Was Phaneuf booing Wilson at practice to help him get acclimated to future home games?

For all the talk of team truculence, booing seems to really strike a nerve with Burke and Wilson even though they try to play it off like it doesn't.

More Leafs links after the jump.

Wilson Urges Struggling Star to Relax

Even elite goal scorers have slumps, regularly. We've proven that here.

The Eras of the NHL

Behind the Net with a great look back at the periods through which the NHL has changed.

NHL Letters to Santa

DGB delivers as per the usual.

Leafs Not Amused by Eggo Bomber's Antics

Waffles are so passe. We've moved on to pancakes now.

Leafs Gustavsson Wants to Change His Stick-Smashing Ways

I dunno, I like it when players show some emotion on this team.

Waffles? This is What It's Come Down to?

Yup, waffles. Enjoy.

Breaking Down the Early Breakdowns

29th and 30th in scoring first the last two season. Well there's your problem.

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