Jonas Gustavsson vs. Cam Ward

I've had a Piebald song stuck in my head for about six years. It's not stuck in my head the way "It's A Small World After All" is currently stuck in yours but it comes and goes. Whenever I think of being stuck somewhere I can't help but have it creep back into my conciousness.

Long nights, hard times.
Everything that makes you feel tired.
That's why I got to get away from you.
I've got something to say.
You might not like how it sounds.
I don't care. I've got to get out of here. - Piebald - Long Nights

The Leafs flew out of New Jersey early this morning and immediately hit the Mastercard Centre for a 10:30AM practice. People in general are happy to be out of New Jersey but I think the Leafs are doubly relieved to finally be back home. Let's hope that shines through in their play tonight in the dreaded Tuesday night against a Southeast opponent game.

Scratches and lineup notes after the jump.

Per AM640's Jonas Siegel it seems that Tim Brent is sick. Joey Crabb has been recalled from the Marlies. Worth noting: Brett Lebda continues to sit. Hallelujah.