Sometimes being a horrible shyster like me pays off in a big way. I sort of feel bad about lying to the obviously nice Montreal Canadiens ticket office but I felt that my team allegiance wouldn't help me attend the draft and so here we are. My crazy uncle who works at the carnival always said: if you can't get it legally, steal it. That was the most heartfelt conversation I ever had about a 1978 Pontiac through a bulletproof glass wall down at the county.


I registered yesterday for draft tickets and didn't get an email, I'm
writing you because I'm living in the states now and the ticket form
didn't have a way to tell you what state I live in.

I'm a Habs fan living in (horrible dump near NYC), my name is (I'm a secret agent) if you
want to cross reference it with the application I put in yesterday
right after the registration opened. I'm looking forward to see who we
pick in the first round since our last first round selection Max
Pacioretty looks awesome. Speaking of which, my fiancee works at a
(retail job) in (horrible dump) (where Max is from) and got to say hi to Max
when he (mundane detail involving retail job) which was pretty neat.

I'm really hoping I can get a pair of tickets for the draft, we
already have a hotel room. Please drop me a line!

(Your favorite blogger)

The Response:

HI (special agent),
Unfortunately, you were not in the first registrations to obtain tickets
to the Draft. Seeing as how you would be traveling to Montreal for the
Draft, I will be able to secure two tickets for you, provided you can
forward me your hotel reservation confirmation.

Thank you.

(Nice lady in Montreal who I feel bad about lying to, sort of)
Chef de secteur, Ventes et Services
Manager, Ticket Sales and Services
Canadiens de Montreal

So uh, thanks Montreal. I'll say this: I've been to the Bell Centre twice and had a great time both times. Your team is still full of poopy heads though.