• On this date - April 5 - two years ago, I was getting married.  It was an overcast day, maybe about 7C, which our photographer said was perfect for our pictures.  Everything went off with out a hitch, aside from my corset restricting how much I could eat, which really sucked.  We had roast lamb, roast beef, and chicken breast.  There were 7 kinds of cheesecake.  We had 150 cupcakes made, with butter creme icing.  I barely got to eat any of that, but the best part was leaving for our honeymoon in Maui the next day.  Last year, for our first anniversary, we went to Victoria for the weekend, at a really nice boutique hotel and enjoyed the city and a delicious dinner at a french restaurant.  This year, April is a busy month, so we didn't go away, but we did try West, rated one of the top restaurants in Vancouver.  It was an incredible dinner, and it was nice that we got a long weekend together.  So today, you must all celebrate my wedding day with me!!
    Links after the jump.
    Is Something Wrong With Don Cherry?
    Bloge Salming has discovered something on HNIC that the rest of us may have missed.
  • Recent Leaf trades you can’t have back
    Vintage Leafs Trade looks at the trades that saw Steen, Colaiacovo and Stempniak leave, and wonder if there was any benefit to having them leave.
  • One more reason to love hockey
    Sleza talks about one very big reason she loves hockey: the players.
  • 1931-32 Leafs: Stanley Cup Champions
    Vintage Leafs has a new round of photos - I particularly enjoyed this one of the Leafs as Stanley Cup Champions.
  • Hug it Out, says Burke
    Alec and MLHS talks about Burke's proposed "bear hug" rule./