For as much as Wayner has done for Canada he hasn't done much for Leaf fans other than cheat them out of a Stanley Cup. Now he's blaming the Leafs for not allowing a crappily run American team to find a get out of jail free card by moving them to Southern Ontario. Oh, and he's blowing smoke up our skirts (or kilts as they are commonly referred to) about the team's chances. To top it off he's apparently in discussions to get the power to find a way to keep young stars off of Canada's entry to Vancouver so that a FOG (Friends of Gretzky) like Todd Bertuzzi can bring shame to the entire country.

He'll probably even find a way to exploit this ridiculous loophole. You mean we could have sent McCabe, Tucker, and Raycroft to Russia on the first Aeroflot flight and pretended that their contracts didn't exist? I am sure Vitali or Alexei or some other oligarch/mobster could have convinced them that it was in their best interests to play in Russia. Of course Loophole Lou is driving a Mac truck through this one.

Oh and Greener wrote something pretending to be Norte again. Can't fool us like Paul Maurice did last year.