We have a break in applicant FTBers today before resuming our search for a new intern on Monday. This All-Star break will give everyone a chance to put together something that's hopefully great on Monday. Since I'm already hired I am mailing this one in. Like Chemmy's approach to the bumping and grinding I am going with quantity of links over quality of jokes:
- While everyone is going down on the Habs on the ocassion of their 99th anniversary Neate Sager tosses on his braces.
- DGB has finally cracked the code about what would make the All-Star weekend actually interesting. You know what I would like? No more stock articles about how to change the weekend or how much it sucks. DGB should be a beacon of creativity for the MSM.
- Dear NHLers and Journalists: you can send any complaints to me via e-mail. Now if the rest of you want to follow Stephen's advice then keep in mind Chemmy has a quick banning trigger. Just ask the Ageless Wonder.
- Gentlemen, get that nubile intern in the inappropriately short skirt in front of the screen before clicking this link. (SFW)
- The ladies from Puck Huffers have a new completely irrational website dedicated to The Vesa.
- Scavenger hunt! Try to find the mathematical error in Steve's last post. The winner gets the satisfaction of knowing that they found a very rare sighting: a Stevian Mistake.
- The General sees three scoring lines for the Leafs. Imagine if they all played well at the same time.
- I knew that Jeff Blair had done a piss-poor job of researching his hatchet job on Toronto.
- DJ tracks the excellent news emanating from the NHL Minister of Information Gary Bettman.
- TSM keeps a close eye on The Star's headline writers.
- You think some of the people here (Chemmy) are weird? Loser Domi uses YouTube to prove you wrong.
- Finally! PLAYOFFS! (Fixed. Finally)
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