Last night's game was painful. Curled up on the floor, wrapped in my comforted, it was far too easy to doze off. The game looked like it was going to be a boring version of the 0-0 game against the Rangers and that is saying something. Eventually, Curtis Joseph's rapidly degenerating abilities rescued the Sabres from throwing away two points against a disinterested Leafs team.

You know how sometimes the opposition plays terribly and they still manage to beat the Leafs because they have Ilya Kovalchuk or Vincent Lecavalier? Well, I thought that the Leafs understood that they did not fall into the category of teams with that sort of luxury. Through the miracle of Christmas, I'll be at the game on Saturday. If it turns into another 8-2 whitewash I am going to make my way down to the bench area to remind the Leafs who they are playing for.

In holiday contest news, JaredofLondon picks up the Kaberle bobblehead for winning the SPG picks contest in December. E-mail me your mailing particulars so I can send them out. Here are a couple of links: