I'll have more about the Leafs game tonight but wasn't the Canada game a beauty! It didn't help things that Tokarski, contrary to Jared's sidebar, didn't really save at all. Every time Canada built up a head of steam he was able to find a way to let the Russians back into the game. My seats last night (special thanks to Chemmy for trying to throw me under the bus for previous Leaf losses!) were beside the Molson Best Seats in the House which have televisions. We ended up watching the junior game with one eye while keeping an eye on the Leafs. It actually resulted in a pretty funny situation where I cheered Canada's fourth goal before it was announced to the crowd.

After the Leafs' game a group of five or six of us kept watching it until the television was turned off with just over a minute left. We then joined about 50 other fans in the Ice Box crowded around the TVs. When Canada tied it up with 5.4 seconds left the crowd erupted with beer flying. I actually ended up jumping up and down on a senators fan and I wasn't even trying to hurt him. Then, in a move that was so mind-numbingly dumb I thought it was a joke, Air Canada Centre staff decided to turn off the televisions in the Ice Box as the game went to overtime! The Canadianness of the crowd kept things from getting ugly because doing something that stupid could have resulted in some serious trouble.

Luckily, Rogers, of all companies, had a television that they kept on so that about 60 of us could crowd around for the overtime and shootout. Every shot in overtime on the Russian net prompted gasps and every time the Russians ventured towards Canada's net you could hear mumbled "no no no"s from some in the crowd. Finally, during the shootout we erupted four times as Eberle and Tavares slotted home their chances and Tokarski actually managed two saves. Eberle's equalizing goal will likely be among the most replayed ever scored at this tournament and the experience of sharing it with 60 strangers won't be one I'll soon forget.

Links after the jump:

  • Alex Tran looks at the Leafs' prospects. Things actually look pretty good.
  • Back to the World Juniors, Bruce Ciskie might want to re-watch that clip to see Jimmy Hayes sticking his blade out to hit DiDomenico in the face. And he might want to remember who started the taunting of the benches in that game.
  • In case you missed it, this is hands down the funniest fight ever. Stick to scoring tonnes of goals Semin.
  • I don't think Habs fans should be ashamed. At least not because some of them decided that it was worth their time to rig the voting process of a useless hockey game. If the NHL wants to make the All-Star game and it's attendant selections (I can't wait to hear some dumb Habs fan crow about Komisarek being an all-star) worthy then they should leave it open only to GMs.
  • Big Smoke Sports has...ummm...gone up in smoke :( Luckily, Arch will still be around in the comments and fanposts.
  • DGB has some thoughts on last night's game including an astute one of Chris Neil. This is a guy that was always too afraid to fight Domi (excusable) and didn't drop them with Belak (apparently against team rules) and last night avoided Newbury and Hollweg (does he watch hockey?). On a team of gutless wonders he is the king./