Despite the dreary weather it's a wonderful morning. TFC is unbeaten in six, Justin Pogge is writing his name into AHL history and getting ready to shine in the NHL, and John Terry will probably be dropped from the England team. Sure, Manchester United won the CL yesterday but that only makes three and Liverpool, as the song goes, have won it five times.

Anyway, while waiting for the Finals to start, presumably sometime during June, I thought that it would be a good exercise to get used to one of the new features of the new SBN platform - FanShots. There is actually a bookmarklet that you can add to your favourites that will make the process much quicker (once you put up one FanShot you'll see it).

However, the idea is to build a database of the best Leaf highlights on YouTube. Make sure that you appropriately tag the video (see the two FanShots for examples). So hunt down your favourite highlight (I think I can guess Sean's) and post it in a FanShot. If you can't use YouTube you can explore the other FanShot options (Links, Quotes, Images, Lists, or Chats) or use all of them if you want.

Before the links I just wanted to mention that I've added a Google Reader widget to the sidebar so check it out for new stories. Onto the links:

  • David Johnson isn't that excited about the playoffs. I think that there has been some pretty good hockey and I think that the Finals is about as good a matchup as could have been hoped. I do agree that I prefer the old playoff format of each conference on alternating days. The '93 run of 21 games in 42 nights gained so much momentum from what he described: game day, discuss last night's game, game day.
    Steve declares victory over Greg Gilbert as OUR Franchise Saviour fends off the Wolves and gets the Marlies a big win. 6-1 eh? Maybe the Marlies felt much more loose and confident with the stud goaltender behind them...
    Eyebeleaf took in the TFC game last night (so did I) and saw folk hero Danny Dichio rise to the occassion after Coach Carver mentioned that the team is looking for new strikers. After 5 homes games I've already seen them win as many games as last year! Also, Eyebeleaf is partially dead to me as he mentions the CL Final. Damn You Drogba!/