This afternoon the Hockey Hall of Fame will announce the Class of 2008. If all goes according to plan then our very own Doug Gilmour will be among the inductees and it's not only Leaf fans that agree. Wyshynski! puts Bure, Ciccarelli, Gilmour and Larionov in the Hall. All are deserving, and in fact, Ciccarelli's omission in past years has been bit of a headscratcher since he has over 600 goals!

Anyway, back to the headliner, Mr. Doug Gilmour. The man owns Toronto. After the 1993 and 1994 playoff runs he could have probably carried Ontario at least in a bid to become Prime Minister. Seeing Gilmour's pallid skin and sunken eyes in the Spring of 1993 was to understand the physical and emotional toll that the playoffs take on the players. He was the perfect blend of sublime skill (127 points in 92-93!), bulldog tenacity, and reckless abandon. The triumvirate of Leaf heroes for most people around my age comprises Dougie, Wendel, and Mats. Even the most cynical of fans cheered the move to bring Gilmour back in 2003. Hearts broke across Leafs Nation when he suffered a season ending injury on his first shift back in the Leafs blue and white.

He may have won a Cup in Calgary's colours but he'll always be a Maple Leaf.

Click through to see some videos of the man himself. Here are the links for the day:

  • Steve takes a look at Al Coates' resume. He did some amazing player procurement for the Flames and has a long relationship with Cliff Fletcher although you'd be hard-pressed to realize that in light of the Burke connection.
  • Dr. Mirtle is on the case of the addle-brained Norris Trophy voter. I wonder how Bill Cosby will help break the case.
  • Leafs 1, Caps 0 as Sean navigates the US capital looking for proof of intelligent life./

The Hockey Nation's Tribute to Doug Gilmour

His most famous goal as a Leaf in double overtime against the St. Louis Blues.

A lot of love for Dougie for another good old Kingston boy.

How much do Leaf fans love Dougie? When he returned with the Devils he was cheered when he got on the ice, when he scored, and when his goal was an

Should Doug Gilmour be in the Hall of Fame?
