Editor's Note: For anyone unfamiliar with the acronym FTB it stands for the above. It's not the greatest name but you guys didn't give me much to work with. It's the morning's first post that rounds up the Barilkosphere and Leafs news.

I don't think that there is any doubt now that Toskala is completely worthless unless some general manager thinks that the Leafs are so bad that no goalie would look good playing for them. I am not entirely sure how they would reconcile his horrible positioning (goals 1 and 3 last night) or his terrible rebound control (goal 4) or his tendency to give up Wellwood-soft goals (goal 2). However, GMs are notorious for thinking that they and they alone see the brilliance in a player or the only one that can handle them properly (see: Hull, Brett). Not that the Leafs are lucky enough to have that happen with Vesa.